Convert a Quote to an Order

You can convert your quote to an order. Here, you will find how to look for a previous quote and convert it to an order.

Search Your quote/order history

At the top of the page you will see 'Search My Quote History' and 'Search My Order History'

Input the criteria for your search.

Re-quote and/or Re-order

Click the quote number for details.

There are three options:
① Convert QT to Order by clicking 'Convert to Order'
② Create another quote using the same part numbers by clicking 'Copy to New Quote'
③ You can also delete a quote by clicking 'Delete Quotation'

Confirm the content and complete Your order

You can edit 'Customer PO Reference' and 'Customer Item Reference'.

Select Your Shipping Date

Approve and complete your order

Look through your order and click 'Place Order'.

Now your order has been completed

If you require to download the order confirmation as a PDF, click the MISUMI order number to go to order history.

You will receive an order confirmation e-mail