Guide for New Users

[Order] Detailed order history

Your order's details are available here.
The tracking number and carrier are also available on this screen.

Overall view

Approval Pending: Your order approval request is not yet processed by the approver.
Rejected: The approver refused your order request.
Returned: The approver returned your order request for revision.
In Process: Your order has not yet finalized.
Pending: Your order contains errors. You may be waiting for MISUMI to reply, or your action may be needed to complete the order.
Ordered: Your order has completed.
Shipped: Your order has shipped.
Cancelled: Your order has been canceled.

If there is any item on hold…
Print-out in pdf is not available. The amount of the items on hold is not included in the total amount.

Add to Cart
The selected item will be added to your shopping cart.
Click "View Cart" for selected items.