Guide for New Users

[Quotation] Detailed quote history

Your quote's details are available here.

Overall view

Days to Ship
In Process: Your request has not yet finalized.
Pending: Your request contains errors. You may be waiting for MISUMI to reply, or your action may be needed to complete the quotation.
Completed: Your quote is ready. All items have prices and ship dates.
Ordered: You have converted your quote to an order.
Convert to Order
Place orders for items with a check mark in the left column.
Items with a Quotation Status of "Processed" are available for order.
Items with a Quotation Status of "On Hold" or "Ordered" are not available for order:
To re-order items with a Quotation Status of "Ordered," please click "Get New Quotation" or place a new direct order.
Items with Quotation Status of "On Hold" must be resolved to "Processed" status before ordering.
Add to Cart
The selected item(s) will be added to your shopping cart.
You can then proceed to open your cart.

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